All over the world in different geographies, we can find significant variation in the kindergarten syllabus or the preschool syllabus being followed in the schools. This is because the kindergarten and preschool syllabus have to be very relevant to the demographic of their learners. The key to creating the ideal kindergarten syllabus is not by choosing a set of books, but by creating a complete curriculum and a learning program.

In Kindergarten, kids start their journey to the school and expect it to be transformed in a fun manner so that the feel light and excited about coming to school every day. Kindergarten syllabus plays a vital role in making or breaking interests of kids in school and school activities, thus, they should be planned in a smart manner. Preschool kindergarten syllabus should be set in a way that kids should feel that they are at the school for fun but actually the school is laying the foundation of their better and phosphorus tomorrow.

Regular Orientation and Augmentation Programs:

NatureNurture empowers educators, training them to cater to a range of learner abilities & overall and specific learning goals. They are trained on various aspects of child development to address & deliver to learners’ diversified needs& learn to use the aids, activities, books, etc. To build a classroom environment where each learner is a winner, irrespective of his gender, ethnicity, socioeconomic status or geographic location. Regular pre & post augmentation follow ups ensure that the queries & problems are being attended to regularly.

Family Engagement:

NatureNurture conducts parenting workshops to orient parents about latest parenting techniques. NatureNurture provides guidance about the progressive curriculum & how they can participate in their children’s learning, helping them connect with the child & educator in a positive way.

Bespoke Curriculum:

NatureNurture integrated curriculum is designed & customized to suit demographic, social & learning requirements of the school & learners, ece guidelines, ncf& holistic aspects of child development. NatureNurture has provision of individualised education programmes for learners with special needs like those with, dyslexia, dyscalculia & autism.

Blended Approach of Learning:

NatureNurture integrated curriculum considers the scope of learner abilities & learning styles, by creating a "package" of classroom resources & situations that can be used as desired to meet the needs of all individuals. NatureNurture curriculum encourages learning through use of flexible materials & methods that provide access, challenge & engagement for each learner.

Observations, Audits & Diagnostic & Remedial Intervention:

The teaching–learning process is observed regularly. NatureNurture experts observe educators & provide constructive feedback to enhance the teaching–learning process. Diagnostic & remedial intervention is provided where the need is felt to aid the educator in order to achieve the best results in the classroom.

Classroom Environment:

To build a classroom environment where each learner is a winner, irrespective of his gender, ethnicity, socioeconomic status or geographic location. Regular pre & post augmentation follow ups ensure that the queries & problems are being attended to regularly.

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